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4 Tips to Make Kisses Even Better

a couple kissing outside a small shop

It’s February, the month usually associated with hearts, sweets, red and pink decorations, and, of course, romance. As your local dentist office, we can’t officially condone the overindulgence of sugary sweets, but we can fully support sharing the love with your sweetheart. In fact, we’re taking it one step further this year with four of our best tips to help make your kisses even better this Valentine’s Day.

1. Share Love, Not Cavities

Kissing is only sweet if it spreads love – and nothing else. If you or your partner have a cavity and you choose to smooch, you could risk spreading the bacteria that causes cavities to the other person. The best way to prevent cavities is to do what your dentist recommends and brush twice every day. Kissing can also spread viruses and fungi, so if one of you has a cavity or other health concern that hasn’t been cleaned or treated yet, it’s time to make an appointment at your dentist’s office in Barrie.

2. Say No to Smoking (and to Bad Breath)

It may seem like everyone keeps going on about what a bad habit smoking is (and, to be fair, they’re right), but if nothing’s given you a reason to stop so far, consider how smoking prevents your mouth from being as kissable as it could be. If it hasn’t happened already, your teeth will become yellow and stained from the nicotine and the smoke. Speaking of smoke, the smell of tobacco doesn’t go away when the cigarette is done. It actually changes the makeup of your sweat, which means your natural body odor (including your breath) will smell like smoke.

Smoking also makes you much more likely to develop gum disease and oral cancer, which is as much of an unpleasant surprise for your partner as it is for you. So remember: when actors in old romance movies are smoking a cigarette, it’s not really as sexy as it looks on film. Say no to smoking, and make sure to clean your mouth twice every day, including your tongue (where most bad-breath bacteria lives).

If your breath is still a little less sweet than you’d like, go for a mouthwash or a sugar-free gum to help kill off any hidden bacteria and give your breath a boost.

3. Finish Your Valentine’s Meal With Water

Wine, candles, and a home-cooked meal are some of the most traditional ways to get in a romantic mood for the evening. But before you retire to the living room for a movie, chase that meal with a glass of water. Again, the name of the game is saliva production. While you eat a meal, you naturally produce saliva to help break down the different food components and wash away any bits that would otherwise stick to your teeth and encourage decay.

A glass of water not only replenishes your body’s natural hydration levels, but it continues to stimulate the production of saliva, making it easier for your mouth to continue producing saliva and ensure that there’s a minimum amount of food stuck to your teeth (which you can then brush off with your toothbrush later).

4. Welcome Them With a Bright Smile

According to a survey by the American Dental Association, your smile is the most attractive thing about you, outranking your eyes and hair. Plus, your smile doesn’t just make you look more attractive – you’re also more likely to be viewed as kinder and more approachable. Perhaps ironically, the appearance of your smile is also one of the things you’re most likely to be insecure about. Many people feel that their teeth aren’t white enough, or healthy enough, and so try to avoid smiling whenever possible.

The good news is that all you need to grin with confidence is a trip to a dentist office. Just tell them about your goals for your teeth and your oral health, and your dentist will be able to work with you to create a treatment plan to get the results you want and make your mouth as healthy as it can possibly be.

Cosmetic, Family, and Preventive Dental Care

At Dr. Elston Wong dentistry in Barrie, Ontario, our dental services include everything from bi-annual preventive care to restorative dentistry and cosmetic tooth treatments. No matter whether you’re looking for a complete smile makeover or treatment for persistent tooth or jaw pain, we’re ready to help provide you with a solution tailored to your health and your preferences.

For more information on our dental office in Barrie or the services we provide, give us a call at (705) 721-1143. You can also chat with us online or send us a message through our website.

Dr. Elston Wong Portrait

About Dr. Elston Wong

Dr. Elston Wong completed his dental degree at The University of Toronto in 1999 before arriving in Barrie in 2002. After graduating, he continued to learn everything he could about dentistry. Now he has taken the time to share important information for anyone to read.

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