Barrie dentist Dr. Elston Wong is now a Kois Center graduate!
Posted: June 15, 2015
Last Modified: December 21, 2020
After a journey spanning over three years, Dr. Elston Wong is now a Kois Center Graduate! The Kois Center, a teaching Center for dentists interested in comprehensive patient management located in Seattle, WA, holds a nine course core curriculum taught by Dr. John Kois that provides dentists with an evidence-based systematic approach to dealing with widespread oral needs. As we’ve written before, the courses incorporate a risk-based approach to managing dental issues with a focus on long-term, predictable success that also aims to be affordable. It is a no-compromise center that has changed the way we now look at everything in our office, with a focus on prevention and an oral wellness model of care.

How does it differ from the way we used to do things? Focus and structure. The Kois system allows all oral problems to be approached systematically (so nothing is left out), and then managed using data-proven techniques. While the guts of the system will be largely invisible to our patients (it is mainly a method of thinking, after all), the results will hopefully be longer-lasting and more esthetic. And because dentistry is useless if the cost is too high, one of the goals is also to stage complicated treatment plans in such a way that they can be more affordable!
The Kois curriculum also does not stay static! Changing every few months as the available data changes, it is important to the Center that its graduates maintain a current set of knowledge. Every year, an annual symposium takes place which enables Kois Center graduates to stay current in diagnosis and management of the four areas of dentistry: Periodontal, Dental/Biomechanical, Jaw and bite, and Aesthetics.
We are proud to carry out this level of care, and look forward to deploying more and more of our skills acquired throughout the dental training. The changes never stop, and neither does the learning. Feel free to ask us how the Kois approach to dental management can benefit you!
Here is a link to the Kois Center:
If you’re looking for an overall oral assessment, please contact us! We’d love to be your dentist in Barrie.