Orthodontic treatment, or the straightening of teeth, is the best way to improve the appearance of crooked teeth. Moving teeth into a straighter alignment is preferable to masking the crookedness with crowns, veneers, or fillings – and it can be done in a variety of ways. Each mouth is evaluated on an individual basis, and a treatment plan is made up to meet your unique requirements.
While crooked teeth aren’t a “disease,” per se, they can impact the way you chew and how you feel about your smile. If crooked teeth cause you embarrassment while smiling, seriously consider this option. If you’re no longer an adolescent, orthodontic care is still on the table. In fact, orthodontics in adults is actually increasing in popularity. More and more people are realizing that in fact, they are not “too old for it.”
If you’re ready to say goodbye to crooked and hello to the smile you’ve always wanted, get in contact with our dental office in Barrie today.
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