We have reopened for regular dental appointments. In light of Covid-19 public health concerns, there will be some changes to our usual protocols. Click here to learn more.


Orthodontics in Barrie, or getting it straight

People’s desire for straight teeth has evolved from “something for my kids” to an almost essential part of getting a job, and we can do something to help.  Orthodontics can not only straighten teeth, but boost self-esteem by eliminating a potential source of embarrassment.  See what Dr. Elston Wong Dentistry can do for you, and hopefully we can help you smile with confidence.

Orthodontics is commonly known as braces, but there are many different ways to move teeth.  The important part is not what tools are used, but whether the correct treatment plan is in place.  When we look at someone with an orthodontic concern, we are not just looking at crooked teeth.  This is how it goes:

1) We identify your main areas of concern: is it the alignment of teeth?  Is it spacing or crowding, or a single tooth problem such as a tooth that has drifted due to the loss of other teeth?  Maybe it is the bite causing chipping of front teeth.  Whatever your concern, our treatment will aim to correct it.  Sometimes the desires are easily achievable, sometimes they are not – we will tell you either way.  The approach to orthodontic problems is always the same: start with the end in mind.

2) We will also perform a complete orthodontic examination, which will look at the whole face, jaw joints, and of course the situation inside the mouth.  This will also include photographs, plaster models, and specific measurements of tooth positions.

3) A set of radiographs (x-rays) will be taken of the teeth and jaws.  A lateral head X-ray is often also ordered, which shows the true position of the lower jaw in relation to the rest of the skull.

4) Once we have all of this information, we can then present an orthodontic treatment plan to you.  Sometimes it involves braces, other times it can be simple invisible and removable aligners.  Once you understand and agree to the treatment, we can get started moving some teeth!

We look at overall facial appearances, stage of growth and development, tooth positions, tooth sizes, oral hygiene, case complexity and duration, and options before we present a solution to you.

The question of tooth extractions often rears its head when dealing with orthodontics, going as far as some people saying that they do not want extractions done whatsoever.  Our answer is this:  extractions are one tool in a toolbox.  Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don’t.  In cases where you need a tool and you don’t have it, then you can’t get the job done.  Often it is not up to the dentist to decide, it is up to the conditions in the mouth. We do not treat all orthodontic situations that we see, and in fact we frequently make referrals out to some excellent Barrie-and-area orthodontists.  This is often because of case complexity, or simply because it is closer to home.

Orthodontic treatment involves multiple visits over the course of treatment (which may range from months to years of active tooth movement, depending on the case), so it is handy to seek an orthodontic provider that is convenient for you to reach.

Contact us if you are interested in improving the alignment of your teeth!  We’d love to be your dental office in Barrie.

Dr. Elston Wong Portrait

About Dr. Elston Wong

Dr. Elston Wong completed his dental degree at The University of Toronto in 1999 before arriving in Barrie in 2002. After graduating, he continued to learn everything he could about dentistry. Now he has taken the time to share important information for anyone to read.

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